
Showing posts from December, 2024

The Spider-Plush Awards 2024. (DAY 7 of the 12 Days of Spider-Plush.)

Another year has gone by, and a lot of things happened. It was a big year for Spider-Plush and the site and just a big year for everything. I'd do a recap but I don't want to. I'm gonna make an awards show for all the best things from this year.  BEST COMIC REVIEWED THIS YEAR:  So, the comics reviewed this year were: - Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #1 - Gwenpool Strikes Back #2-5 - Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #5 - The Amazing Spider-Man #316 - The Unstoppable Wasp (2018) #1-10 - Spider-Man & Hulk Toilet Paper - Galacta: Daughter of Galactus #1-4 - Marvel Team-Up #14 - Marvel Holiday Whatever 2016. - The Ren & Stimpy Show #6 Wow, those are more than I remembered reviewing. That's kinda awesome if you ask me. Now, I'm gonna make 2 categories, best storyline and best single issue. The award for Best Storyline goes to... The Unstoppable Wasp #1-10! This comic is so fucking good. GO READ IT! It's fun, emotional, and actually enjoyable. And read my review to...

Spider-Plush Storytime: 12 Days of Eddiemas Edition. (DAY 6)

I like to go out with my friends, we always plan stuff, and we hang out pretty often, we go to the park, we go to the mall, we go to the movies to watch My Hero Academia the movie, we do a lot of things. This is the story of one of those things. Waaayyy back in 2023, during a specific month, my brother used to work at a place that sold geek shit, gaming stuff, comics stuff, anime stuff and 0 (zero) actual comic books. They had funko pops there, and they were actually pretty cool. They had the original Spider-Man funko pop from 2012 there, which was pretty awesome, I always wanted that one, and I saw that there was a keychain version, and I was like "Ok, cool, I'll get one as soon as I have money." Early December of 2023, I was with my friends, we were looking for shit at the mall, and I entered that geek place, my brother was not there at the time, must've been his day off. I said to myself "I have money, I'm getting that Spidey Pop" and I purchased it. ...

Looking Back on Ultimate Spider-Man (2000)

Ultimate Spider-Man is great, man. It's crazy how people today wouldn't know exactly which one I'm talking about when I say that last sentence. Like I can already hear the "are you talking about the series where he has a beard and doesn't have to worry about making a deal that cost his marriage,  the show where he's voiced by Drake Bell, or the 2005 video game?' It's crazy. Today I'm gonna talk a little bit about the first 10 issues of Ultimate Spider-Man (2000). Yeah. The Ultimate Universe is VERY weird. I can remember my conversation with my pal Jayden about the strangeness of freaky cannibal Hulk, extreme nationalist Cap, Ant-Man being Chris Brown levels of insane, pedo Wolverine , and......... the Maximoff Twins. But let me tell you if there was one good area of that universe, it was 1610 Spidey. Sure he has flaws, but he isn't a character that sounds like he came from Vought and at it's core, he still feels like Spidey. They did a prett...

SONIC 3 REVIEWWWW (12 Days Of Eddiemas, Day 5)

Eddiemas sounds a lot like enemas, just wanna put that out there.  SONIC! I just saw his new movie yesterday and I have a 2 paragraph review of this film. Now, you always see everyone complaining about Marvel movies, and how they're just slop for kids... Yet I don't see anyone complaining about the Sonic movies and how THEY'RE just slop for kids... Well, that is because Sonic isn't a dying franchise and also because the Sonic movies are actual good films, and this one, oh boy, this movie. Sonic The Hedgehog 3 is the best of the trilogy. It has everything I wanted from this series, Shadow was cool, It was sorta an adaptation of my favorite game (Sonic Adventure 2), and the story just kept you on the edge of your seat, but it's better if you use the full seat. Dude, this movie's gonna have you coughing blood because of how awesome it is.  The acting was good, Jim Carrey was funny... Both of them. The special effects were pretty impressive, and the music... OH THE ...

12 Days of Eddiemas DAY CUATRO

Finding inspiration is hard, sometimes it just never comes. Here I am waiting for the inspiration and- Oh, here it is. Now could be time for a complaint about the new site but I'm not going to do that because NO ONE NEEDS MY NEGATIVITY.  So, what's with this post? What's it about? Am I just gonna talk about nothing? NO! I'm gonna find something to talk about. I'm gonna answer the FAQ of the 12 Days of Eddiemas.  "What is this?" Well, let me tell you a story. I was working on my magnum opus, Holiday Hour, but right before having enough time to finish it, I GOT SICK, I felt like absolute fucking shit for 3 days, and worst of all, IT RUINED MY CHRISTMAS! But anyways, I wasn't able to finish it because of getting so sick I couldn't even move my fingers and also due to a lack of creativity. It was gonna be written in ALL RHYMES, I got like 1 review through before I noticed that the rhymes were stupid and I didn't know where to go from that 1 review ...

12 Days of Eddiemas. (DAY 3): SONIC 3 HYPE!!!!

SONIC! He's blue, fast, wears red shoes, he's got everything, and he's got a new movie. AND SHADOW IS THERE! I gotta watch it! And that's what I'm gonna do tomorrow when I sit my ass in the theater for 2 hours to watch Sonic The Hedgehog 3.  I was a big fan of the first 2 movies because I like Sonic. No other reason. I guess the filmmaking was good and the effects were pretty impressive and cool. And we can only hope the third movie lives up to those standards, and I know it will because it's made by the same people.  Now, I know who Sonic is, I know who Tails is, and I even know who Knuckles is, but I also know who Shadow is. 50 years ago, at the Space Colony ARK, Professor Gerald Robotnik was making the Ultimate Lifeform, it was gonna be a lizard but then he decided to make a hedgehog instead.  This hedgehog can do fucking anything, he can use his rocket shoes to go fast, he can talk, he can be the coolest ever, OMG HE'S SO COOL! And I expect this movie to...

Eddie's 12 Days of Christmas (DAY 2): LUIGI REVIEW!!!!

 It's been a big year for Luigi. There was a new Mario & Luigi RPG, there was that Find Luigi twitter page, and that's all I can remember off the top of my head. Well, I got into the Luigi craze too, when I went to the store with my mom on December 23rd to pick my Christmas gift. All of the plushies looked like absolute junk so I chose a Luigi plushie because I've never really owned a Luigi plush.  I love my mom and it's nice that she got me a Luigi, but I'm gonna be critical of this specific Luigi that I myself picked that fateful night 3 days ago.  Well, if you looked up Luigi prior to December of 2024 you would've found pictures of a plumber with a green hat, green shirt, blue overalls, white gloves, brown shoes, brown hair and a funny moustache, which is exactly what this plushie looks like. Well, he looks like Luigi and he even smells like Luigi, but is this a good plushie?  Well, what exactly do I look for in a plushie? It has to be soft, You gotta be ...

Eddie's 12 Days of Christmas: SHORT RUSHED CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 2024!!!!

 Guess what, I had nothing prepared for Christmas, so I'm gonna review another comic book. Here is a review for Holiday Special: Merry Mix-Up #1 (2016), here is the cover. The cover features Santa in a car, fighting some unknown character. Why? I have no idea, I've never read this. Yes, I do paint over characters that I don't like. I didn't want to type the names of all the people involved in all 4 stories because I did not want to, it's Christmas, I do not want to do things I do not care for things, either, can't you see the screenshot is fucked up? But look at that snowman, it's nothing like in Sonic Winter Jam, where THE GREATEST CHARACTER EVER got a snowman, in this thing, the character I can't mention is here in snow form.  We are NOT reading Gwenpool's story.  Well, the comic isn't gonna read itself, let's look at Spider-Man's whatever Christmas. Spidey stops a bunch of villains and Fin Fang Foom on Christmas Eve and then Spidey get...

The Last Big Spider-Man Review of 2024.

ALTERNATE TITLE: An Honest Review of Marvel Team-Up #14 Spider-Man! He's always there for me, he's almost like a real dad. He's been in a lot of comics for over 60 years, and he's had a lot of crossovers over the years. Earlier this year we took a look at Spidey's crossover with Ren & Stimpy. But that was also under Marvel Editorial, let's take a look at a crossover with characters from another comic book publisher... Invincible from Image Comics. Way back in the 1990s, a lot of artists and writers left Marvel and DC to start a new company where creators actually got paid. Some of these creations were Spawn (by Todd McFarlane), Savage Dragon (by Erik Larsen), Youngblood (by Linkara's worst enemy... ROB LIEFELD), and Invincible (Robert Kirkman). Invincible's probably their most popular creation, seeing as how there's a TV show with multiple seasons on Amazon Prime. Every time an episode comes out, people will go apeshit as if they're watching ...

Talking about this damn character one last time. (Random Hour: After-Post)

 MUUUSTAAARD!!!! What does that even mean? I don't know.  Welcome to another edition of Random Hour: After Post Edition. This time I'm talking about that Gwenpool post that came out not too long ago, which means that I am going to have to talk about this bitch again. Goodness gracious, oh me, oh my, gee whiz. What else could I possibly say about this comic? Well, for starters, I could look back on Issue 1.... Remember all the way back in issue #1 when we thought the series was only "ok"? Wow. Good times.  So, let's re-review issue 1. Gwen is at the bank, she's robbing it, staring at a lady that is super preggers, Gwen then goes into the gutter and does a few Fortnite dances, she dabs, Spider-Man shows up, Gwen tries to get Spider-Man to bite her (?), she fails, she makes unfunny jokes, Spider-Man leaves, Gwen almost gets arrested but she eats about a billion bananas and becomes radioactive, and she lives to see another issue... AAAAAAAAAAHHHH.  Well, the first...

The End of Gwenpool Strikes Back. (Review)

It's finally time to finish this comic. Believe it or not, i didn't know this comic only had 5 issues until i bought them all on the Marvel Comics App before it died (I still won't forgive them), all this time I thought the other issues were just not on the app, then I looked at the website and nope, 5 issues, this really was the end for Gwenpool, sure, she had guest appearances every now and then, but this was her last comic that was actually about her... Or at least until Love Unlimited issues #43-48 (2023) dropped. Since this is the end of an era, i shall now point out many things i missed and things that i should've brought up in the past reviews. ISSUE 1. On page 26, Gwen kindly asks the readers to go back to page 19, which could mean that either the comic thinks that the readers have some sort of short-term memory loss, or it could mean that the comic wants us to read in an endless loop until we either go insane or die. OR it could just be a silly joke, that's...

Random Hour: After-Post Edition (Spidey/Ren & Stimpy Crossover)

 Ok, I wanna talk about Spider-Man for a bit. Because I do not do that enough. First off, the new Spider-Man cartoon just got a new teaser thing, and it sucks, Spidey is a Kick streamer. Now, I fucking hate this change, this isn't how you modernize Spider-Man. Ol' Petey Boy would never do that... NEXT YOU'RE GONNA TELL ME HE WEARS NINTENDO SHIRTS AND PLAYS SMASH ULTIMATE DURING LUNCH BREAK*. Next you're gonna tell me he makes reviews and sprite skits on YouTube. And after that you're gonna tell me he makes stupid little posts on a blog that no one reads. Note: Nothing against the artist behind that piece ( where they try to modernize Spidey. My main problem with the piece was just that they said young Spidey "sucked at being a superhero", that being said, I do not think they deserved all the shit they got from drawing that. They make some sick work btw. Second. I wanna talk about something that happened a few months ago. Eminem released a ...

The best Spider-Man crossover. (REVIEW)

What do you think of when you think about Spider-Man crossovers? Spidey & Batman? Marvel Team-Up? Spidey and Invincible? Well, all of those suck shit, don't read them. Well, Y'know, Batman and Invincible are cool and all, but don't you think they're a little lame for a crossover with the greatest superhero of all time? Spidey needs to find someone cool for a crossover/team-up.  I could be a lame motherfucker and read the Spider-Man SNL crossover but it's not funny enough. What about the Transformers? They're not funny in the slightest and Transformers fans are all man-children, not unlike us Marvel fans, we are mature and smart and we absolutely do NOT buy things for children. This message has been brought to you by a guy with toys in his desk. Spidey and Disney Channel's Jessie? No, everyone's talked about that already, and by everyone, I mean that GodzillaMendoza guy. As a mature Marvel Comics fan, I am quite fond of watching cartoon shows, I'v...