The best Spider-Man crossover. (REVIEW)

What do you think of when you think about Spider-Man crossovers? Spidey & Batman? Marvel Team-Up? Spidey and Invincible? Well, all of those suck shit, don't read them. Well, Y'know, Batman and Invincible are cool and all, but don't you think they're a little lame for a crossover with the greatest superhero of all time? Spidey needs to find someone cool for a crossover/team-up. 

I could be a lame motherfucker and read the Spider-Man SNL crossover but it's not funny enough. What about the Transformers? They're not funny in the slightest and Transformers fans are all man-children, not unlike us Marvel fans, we are mature and smart and we absolutely do NOT buy things for children. This message has been brought to you by a guy with toys in his desk. Spidey and Disney Channel's Jessie? No, everyone's talked about that already, and by everyone, I mean that GodzillaMendoza guy.

As a mature Marvel Comics fan, I am quite fond of watching cartoon shows, I've seen lots of them, SpongeBob, Gumball, Regular Show, you name it. But as a hardcore cartoon fan, I have never seen Ren & Stimpy. But I can tell you the story behind it. 

The Ren & Stimpy Show was aired in 1991 and it was surprisingly about Ren AND Stimpy. It's silly. That's all you need to know. The show was created by John Kricfalusi, who is also known for being a very controversial figure. There seems to be a lot of those in the entertainment industry. 

Look, this is November 29th, I need to get this ready for tomorrow if i want this to be November's Big review. Let's talk about the Ren & Stimpy comic. UPDATE: Fuck it, this is December's big review now, I fell asleep and forgot to post it.

Marvel Comics was tasked with publishing the Ren & Stimpy comics; this was long before they just stopped caring about publishing things from other franchises. One of the people tasked with writing this was [REDACTED], who is very popular and not always for the right reasons. You may remember him for being in that one episode of that documentary series on Disney+. Why am i censoring his name? Well, it's nothing against the guy, I just wanna keep it a secret because I have a very interesting story to tell about it. This guy had the dream job of every writer at Marvel, and that is writing their most popular series, The Amazing Spider-Man... That is MY dream job, If I was the writer of The Amazing Spider-Man, I would be the happiest man in the planet... If they pay me. I wouldn't give a single shit if the comics were bad and they ruined the already ruined series, CAUSE IT'S MY DREAM JOB.

You probably guessed who I'm talking about, but I still choose to hide his name until I tell the story I wanna tell. This fellow is very controversial in the Spider-Man community because... His stories are considered by most to be shit. THAT IS IT. Also, because he's the writer after OMD, that instantly meant people were gonna hate on him... He also killed Spidey in 2012, and it was a big deal.

Well, it seems like editor Fabian Nicieza thought it was a good idea to approve a Spider-Man crossover with Ren & Stimpy, and that is how we got issue number 6 of "The Ren & Stimpy Show" featuring Spider-Man up against Powdered Toast-Man. 

BECAUSE NO ONE DEMANDED IT. Let me tell you, if I was a time traveler in 1993, and also a fan of Ren & Stimpy and Spider-Man, I would also not have been demanding this, because it just sounds stupid. 

Believe it or not, this is one of the few Spider-Man comics that does not have a digital release and is not listed on Marvel's website. Probably because Marvel does not own Ren & Stimpy. But lucky for me, I have a physical copy... I mean, I guess you could find a PDF somewhere, but I am not allowed to condone piracy on this site... Fuck it, this is my site, the PDFs are on, go nuts.

Once upon a time, little 15-year-old Edward went to a yard sale and saw a guy selling chargers and TVs and Laptops and such, but WHAT'S THAT ON THE OTHER TABLE? COMIC BOOKS! Wow, All of 1 Spider-Man comic, and it's this one. But I've heard it's a weird part of Spidey history... SOLD! 

The cover here depicts Ren & Stimpy wearing stupid ass superhero outfits, I was gonna say that I cannot identify who is who, but I can thanks to the letters in their outfits. They are looking at POWDERED TOAST MAN GOING UP AGAINST THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN, HOLY FUCKING SHIT. This comic was written by [I'LL TELL YOU LATER] and drawn by Mike Kazaleh. 

Ren & Stimpy are about to eat the best breakfast treat, Powdered toast... OH SHIT, THEY ARE OUT OF POWDERED TOAST. CALLING POWDERED TOAST-MAN. It looks like he's here! Well guess what, fucko, it's Spider-Man. Powdered Toast Man's been mind-controlled by an evil genius, Spidey's just here filling in. Spidey makes Web-Toast (TM) and they eat it... and they LIKE it... YUCK, I could never eat something with webs on it. Believe it or not, Ren & Stimpy are not seen for the rest of the story, or at least up until the end.

This is where my story begins, I was casually reading this comic, but then I asked myself "Who wrote this? And i looked at the title page... You should've seen my face when I discovered this comic was written by the one and only Dan Slott. Known for his run on Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, and She-Hulk. Opinions on his work can be very divisive, but this is my site and the only opinion that matters is MINE and the guest writers'. I like Dan Slott's work on Spidey, sure, not everything is great, but that's bound to happen when you write a comic for 10+ years.

UH-OH! POWDERED TOASTMAN IS ON A RAMPAGE! And we find out that he was brainwashed by Dr. DoughNaught. I'm trying to make this a serious review but the comic is not helping. Should've expected that about a comic based on a slapstick cartoon show.

Also, a reference to the 67 Spidey cartoon, Spidey says "Walloping Web-Snappers", this was a deep-cut reference in 1993 because I doubt a lot of comic readers in 1993 really cared about the 67 Spidey cartoon.

There's a lot of good things in this fight scene; Spidey makes fun of the trends in the comic book market in the 90s... Even though some of those trends are still going on today. There's a lot of food puns, and they are actually FUNNY. Spidey gets trapped in Membrane Breading at one point, and he has to break free. This scene makes fun of how Spidey always thinks about his loved ones whenever he's in a situation like this. 

Spidey uses a milk hose (Those exist) and just sprays milk on PTM... I wasn't able to figure out how to write that sentence without it sounding wrong. BUT WATCH OUT SPIDEY, DR. DOUGHNAUGHT IS RIGHT BEHIND YOU!!!

If Spidey was able to get taken out by a bunch of civilians in that one X-Men comic, then he can get taken down by a metal pipe. It looks like Spidey is about to end up like Jason Todd! but PTM comes to his senses and helps Spidey get out of his impending doom. The day is saved by Powdered Toast Man (ft. Spider-Man)

The story ends, but the second story is just beginning! Ren & Stimpy are gonna become Spidey's young teenage sidekicks! Stimpy is CAT-BOY! (This aged great) Who can throw hairballs. And Ren is the Pupil-ator, his looks can "keel"

The second story ends, but the third story has just begun! Who is stronger? Spider-Man or Powdered Toast Man? Spidey smells stronger. 

The third story ends. The comic is over. BUT YOU CAN GET X-MEN ON VIDEO AVAILABLE WHEREVER VIDEO IS SOLD! Or you can just get a Disney+ Subscription. 

Well, that was fun. Just a fun comic, which is something we could've expected from a comic about a children's cartoon. I liked the art, I liked the jokes, I liked everything. 10/10. Would read again. Which is what I did in order to make this post.

That's it for this one, I'll see you December 4th with The End of Gwenpool Strikes Back.

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Reviewing things I haven't seen!

The End of Gwenpool Strikes Back. (Review)