Eddie's 12 Days of Christmas: SHORT RUSHED CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 2024!!!!

 Guess what, I had nothing prepared for Christmas, so I'm gonna review another comic book. Here is a review for Holiday Special: Merry Mix-Up #1 (2016), here is the cover.

The cover features Santa in a car, fighting some unknown character. Why? I have no idea, I've never read this. Yes, I do paint over characters that I don't like.
I didn't want to type the names of all the people involved in all 4 stories because I did not want to, it's Christmas, I do not want to do things I do not care for things, either, can't you see the screenshot is fucked up? But look at that snowman, it's nothing like in Sonic Winter Jam, where THE GREATEST CHARACTER EVER got a snowman, in this thing, the character I can't mention is here in snow form. 

We are NOT reading Gwenpool's story. 

Well, the comic isn't gonna read itself, let's look at Spider-Man's whatever Christmas. Spidey stops a bunch of villains and Fin Fang Foom on Christmas Eve and then Spidey gets lots of presents for it. Pretty uneventful, but it's fun. 7/10.

STORY 3: Big Ronnie gives pants to a lot of people for Pantsgiving. It's alright. 7/10.

STORY 4: The Red Skull has a good holiday. Pretty boring. Nothing special. 6/10

There's another Gwenpool story but no.

There's a Deadpool story, but also no. 

Well, final score is 7/10, this comic is alright. 




Reviewing things I haven't seen!

The End of Gwenpool Strikes Back. (Review)