SONIC 3 REVIEWWWW (12 Days Of Eddiemas, Day 5)

Eddiemas sounds a lot like enemas, just wanna put that out there. 

SONIC! I just saw his new movie yesterday and I have a 2 paragraph review of this film. Now, you always see everyone complaining about Marvel movies, and how they're just slop for kids... Yet I don't see anyone complaining about the Sonic movies and how THEY'RE just slop for kids... Well, that is because Sonic isn't a dying franchise and also because the Sonic movies are actual good films, and this one, oh boy, this movie.

Sonic The Hedgehog 3 is the best of the trilogy. It has everything I wanted from this series, Shadow was cool, It was sorta an adaptation of my favorite game (Sonic Adventure 2), and the story just kept you on the edge of your seat, but it's better if you use the full seat. Dude, this movie's gonna have you coughing blood because of how awesome it is. 

The acting was good, Jim Carrey was funny... Both of them. The special effects were pretty impressive, and the music... OH THE MUSIC, good music is needed for a Sonic product, and this movie does not disappoint... Except for the credits song, it sounds like absolute shit. THE POST-CREDIT SCENES, BOTH OF THEM... They had me going like this "OH MY GOSH HOLY SHIT YOOOOO" and so did the rest of the movie. 

I'd tell you more but then I'd have to go into spoiler territory and I don't want to do that. I'm just gonna tell you my final verdict: 90/100 could've been a perfect SA2 adaptation.




Reviewing things I haven't seen!

The End of Gwenpool Strikes Back. (Review)