Originally posted on November 3rd, 2024. A few days ago, actually. Dear reader, this is not a joke. Someone got paid to make this, someone got paid to write this comic, someone got paid to draw it, someone got paid to manufacture it, and people paid so they could have this in their homes to wipe their butts. In the 1970's, Marvel Comics was HUGE, i could've asked someone on the street if they read Marvel Comics and they would say YES, in all caps and with a comma at the end. Marvel had a lot of merchandise back then, you got your MEGOs, your Underoos, your 7-Eleven cups, all that stuff, and they all had Spider-Man & The Hulk in them because they were Marvel's TV Sensations, everyone knew about them back in the 70's thanks to the live-action TV shows and TV movies. Spider-Man could be in every room of your house, including THE BATHROOM. You ever see people talking about how the new Amazing Spider-Man comics could be used as toilet paper? Well, back in the 1970's ...