The news posts are back... For a limited time only.


I made a very foolish bet on Tuesday for Daily Spider-Plush. I said that if Donald Duck wins the 2024 Presidential Election, I would post WEEKLY instead of Daily for the rest of the month... I didn't think there were that many FUCKING IDIOTS in the US of A. It really doesn't affect me, though. I don't live in the US, so I don't care. Wait a minute, Trumpet won! It does affect me at least a little bit, because I have to post WEEKLY now. Oh well.

Well, other than that, nothing else has happened. Everyone's feeling bitter... C'mon guys, cheer up. Be optimistic. 

Media News: 

New York Comic-Con happened recently, and I didn't report on it because I was too busy celebrating my shitty anniversary. Not a lot was announced either.

Twitter... Oh sorry, i mean X has changed their block function, you can now see everything, but you cannot interact with the person that blocked you. Evan Filarca, I'm coming for your shit... Hahahah, I'm just kidding, I couldn't care less about that guy. 

Nothing else has happened. 


I made another version of the blog. This one's on blogspot. Wanna know why? Because I'm sick of Wix's shit, which is why I'm moving there on January 2025. Last post on this website shall be the June 2025 post about The Greatest comic of all time. 

I can't believe that people haven't guessed what comic I'm gonna talk about in that post, I've pretty much left hints all over the place!

That's it. See you next friday, loser.

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Reviewing things I haven't seen!

The End of Gwenpool Strikes Back. (Review)