The Big Revelations of the 12 Days of Eddiemas

I have a lot to reveal, and I have a lot to address, some pretty serious allegations here. And I believe the right thing to do is come clean about those things and tell the truth about what's been going on with me and what's been going on with the site. I can't wait to finally cut the shit and get this over with so let's do exactly that. These are the Big Revelations of the 12 Days of Eddiemas. A big compilation of confessions, revelations, announcements and addressing the controversial allegations and rumors that are being made about me as a person. 


Yeah, I did. Sometimes I just don't wanna see a specific post in my profile anymore. But then I also get Tweet Deleter's Remorse and try to find an archive of the tweet, but there is no archive, there is only sadness.

TL:DR, fucking idiot doesn't understand that once you delete a post and there's no archive, it's gone, no return. 

"Eddie, fucking piece of shit, you always fucking lie about everything"

Ok, saying that I lie about everything is a lie in itself, because I have not lied since last year... I needed to make that joke. Ok, I just lied, I didn't really need to make that joke... Fuck, I can't stop lying... God damnit, again, I CAN stop lying, I just choose not to... Fuck this, move to the next allegation, quick! 

"Plush fucked my wife AND plants which sucks because I worked very hard on those two things but more importantly, I thought we were friemends"

C'mon, we ARE friends, and friends share things between each other, amirite? C'mon, you gotta share your wife... However, I will debunk the fact that I fucked your plants, that is NOT true. If I say that it's not true, then that automatically makes it not true. 

"Dude, why did you fuck that guy's plants?" 

I just fucking debunked that. If someone did fuck his plants, it must've been a lookalike or something, do you think I'd actually do that in broad daylight? Do you think I'm stupid? Wooooooowww. I thought we were friemends.

"Ok, Eddie-Dude, you ain't subtle about it, your hints are very obvious, and you keep talking about it. WHAT IS THE GREATEST COMIC OF ALL TIME?"

Well, if my hints are so obvious then why haven't you figured it out? C'mon, use that brain of yours. You know how to use your brain, right?

"Uhm, no" 

That's what I figured, anyone with a brain would not be reading this.

"Eddie-Man, I know what your favorite song is... I know what it is... I bet it's that Chicken Dance song"

I mean... That is a pretty fire song. No denying here, although I wouldn't exactly say it's my favorite song. That title would go to... Multiple songs, actually. Here is the list.

Stressed Out - twenty-one pilots

Lose Yourself - Eminem

Take Me Out - Franz Ferdinand

Secret's Safe With Me - Weathers

Beverly Hills - Weezer 

Ordinary - Train

Hardware Store - "Weird Al" Yankovic

Okay, time for the next accusation. 

"Eddie-Bear, you wrote 13 fucking posts last month; did you expect me to read them ALL?"

Well, not really, I never expect anyone to read this stuff, because no one wants to read about a guy that never takes anything seriously. I pretty much make these posts for myself and only myself.

"Edmundo, I'm pretty cheesed at you right now"

No, you're not.

"Oh, ok"


"Eddie-Teddy-Freddy-Ready-Shady-Heavy-Bready, Spider-Figures made fun of my figure take, I, McFarlaneFan1NoonedoesitbetterthanTodd, am offended. I need you to defend me."

How am I supposed to defend your take if you don't tell me what your take is? Get the fuck out.


Shit, maybe it's true... Maybe everyone I've ever known is a hallucination... I mean, it makes sense, here I am running a blog yapping about shit no one cares about, pretending that there's someone reading this...

Well, I hate to say this... Not really, but it looks like this is the end of the 12 Days of Eddiemas, hope you guys enjoyed, hope y'all were amused, and hope y'all take down your christmas decorations now, cause CHRISTMAS IS OVER. NO MORE. GONE FOREVER. Or at least until the next Christmas, which will be in... 353 days. But a question still stands, what are your plans for the future... other than the plans revealed in Spider-Plush Hype #3? Well, I have more stuff to announce.

REMAKING 4 OF MY OLD POSTS! The AF#15 review, the ASM#121 and 122 review, the ASM#14 review and that review of the worst fucking thing I've ever seen... No, not that one... Not that one, either... Yes, that one. You see, the reason why is because my review style has changed since, and so has my perception of the Fair Use guidelines. 

Well, you made it to the end... Or you could've just skimmed through like anyone else would've done. DON'T follow my social medias at, don't support me on, and don't send emails at (If I use reverse psychology, then it might work...)

Thanks to PoloSwoolish on YouTube for his contribution to this post (Allegation #3). And also thanks to WaterIsNotWetL for her contribution (Last allegation)


NEXT: A look at the first arc from JMS' Spider-Man run.




Reviewing things I haven't seen!

The End of Gwenpool Strikes Back. (Review)