DAY 11 of the 12 Days Of Eddiemas.
Well, I'm officially out of ideas. I might as well tell you guys about how I got into superheroes and how I got into comics. This is my contingency plan.
Waaaaaayyy back in probably 2007, I was born. I'm not gonna tell you my life story, just wanna let you know how young I am. Well, according to my family members, the first superhero I ever saw was Superman, but I must've erased him from my memory because the first superhero I remember liking was... You know who. That's another point for the house of ideas.
All the way back in some year, we had a Blockbuster next to a Carl's Jr near my house, that place is dead now but the memories I have with that place live on. Anyway, my dad picked a movie for me to watch, he was gonna pick the 1992 movie Cool World, but that movie is shit, so he picked the next best thing, a little movie called Spider-Man. After that, we watched Spider-Man 2, and it just kept getting better! Then I found out there was a SPIDER-MAN 3! Woah, the Spidering never stops! What did they do for the next one? I don't know, but I was happy with the Raimi films. Spider-Man was my shit, first thing I did when I learned how to use the internet was look up pictures of the Hulk and THEN I looked at pictures of Spider-Man.
First things I remember owning were my clothes (DUH!), a Spider-Man plushie from the movie and a Spider-Man Omnibus from 2009 that reprints issues IFORGET to 583, the Obama issue. Despite the fact that I knew how to read at the time, I didn't want to read the comic and just looked at the pretty pictures.
When I was 5, I wanted to watch Spider-Man 4, and I knew YouTube would have it... They did not have it. I was convinced Spider-Man 4 existed cause the only other kid at school that knew about comics told me "I have Spider-Man 4 on DVD, Lizard and Carnage are there", I was so gullible. Eventually my dad rented the DVD for Amazing Spider-Man, and I accepted that Spider-Man 4 didn't exist. He also got me issue number 691 of The Amazing Spider-Man, the one where he fights The Lizard and the one where he looks kinda weird. Apparently, I didn't know about this because I only found out about this like 5 years later when some relatives came over and my dad showed them that comic. I must've lost the comic or some kid at school must've torn a page or something... Which happened 2 more times with a Spider-Man/Deadpool issue and an issue of Marvel Zombies. I fucking hate kids, I'm never having them.
The biggest exercise of my life was picking up that Spider-Man omnibus because IT IS HEAVY AS SHIT.
Back in 2017, I started to get into Sonic The Hedgehog and Five Nights At Freddy's, so I kinda fell out of love with comics, until like 2019, when Avengers: Endgame and Spider-Man: Far From Home were coming out, and I had fallen in love with Marvel Comics again! I went to the store and got 4 random comics... Inside the bag was actually a TPB of Daredevil (2015) Issues 1-4. I don't know, man, I guess I was expecting 4 random issues... Well, these comics only appeared every 20000 light years, because I only saw them on rare occasions, but even rarer were the times that I actually bought them.
I bought another pack of random-ass comics and the ones I found were Inhumans Vs. X-Men, some issue of Old Man Logan, another issue of Daredevil, and issue 4 of The Unbelievable Gwenpool. I rolled my eyes when looking at the cover of Gwenpool because my stupid ass thought "GOSH, Gwen Stacy as Deadpool? This is bull." but then I read the comic, and it was actually okay, 6 years later and I fucking hate that comic, but that's a story for another day. Inhumans Vs. X-Men was fun, I know I make fun of the X-Men, but it was fun, and so was that issue of Daredevil, I liked it. I also remember liking the issue of Old Man Logan, but I must've misplaced it because I can't find it. I remember selling Inhumans Vs. X-Men and then giving that issue of Daredevil to a friend of mine. Unbeknownst to little Edward, this would be the beginning of either a harmless hobby or an unhealthy obsession.
So whenever you look at issue 4 of Gwenpool, Issue 2 of Inhumans Vs X-Men, Issue 16 of the 2015 Daredevil relaunch, Issues 691 and 568 of ASM, you gotta think "Those are key issues, Spider-Plush told me".
I didn't have a phone for a bit in 2019 and I didn't have much internet access and I didn't use my PC very often so I didn't really keep up with the comic book community at the time and I definitely didn't read the latest Spider-Man comics, so I didn't know what was going on with the title. It wasn't until 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic that I started to use the internet more, and I made a twitter page in order to connect with other Spider-Man fans and people with my mindset (aka SMART HANDSOME PEOPLE).
Well, the rest is history. You know me, if you didn't know me, I'd be asking what the fuck are you doing on my stinkin' site.
That's it. BYE!
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