From The Archives: Spider-Plush Random Hour 3: 17th Birthday Special.

 Well, guys, it's my birthday, and i have to write something special, however i don't know what the hell to do, so instead of trying to write something, i'll just whine about not knowing what the hell to do.


In this random hour:


the weirder ramblings of an insane personnnn


First off, what do i have to say about the latest medias???

 Gwenpool Strikes Back #2 (Written by Leah Williams, Art by David Baldeón)

Okay... so, this comic. Lemme give you a synopsis. The story is about how Gwenpool and Deadpool both break into the Baxter Building so they can have Gwen kissing Mr. Fantastic on the cover. They both get caught and some WACKY CRAZY STUFF happens.

I hate Deadpool, he sucks, he's not funny, and he killed my entire family. If anyone tries to tell me that he doesn't suck, I will ban you from my life and you won't be invited to my birthday party.

The story sucks, the dialogue is not really funny or smart or even interesting, but the art is good and I like it. Overall, I give Gwenpool Strikes Back #2 a 4/10. Fuck this comic and Fuck Deadpool.

 Ultimate Spider-Man #1 (Written by Jonathan Hickman, Art by Marco Checcheto)

Ultimate Spider-Man, the comic that everyone likes for some reason and if you have a different opinion then people will mock you and insult you. 

This comic was announced on late 2023, it's about Spider-Man, this guy can climb walls and shoot webs and he's OLD. And he needs to shave because that beard looks horrible. 

The first issue is about peter thinking "man I need something else because my life is plain and boring" and then Iron Man shows up and gives him a spider and a costume so that he can become a superhero. Yeah I think Jonathan Hickman did a good job and Marco Checcheto's art is beautiful. I like this comic, 9/10 :)

Caffeine Free Diet Coke 

I like it, 10/10

Sonic OVA. 

Now, I love animated films, and I also love sonic, so when they made a sonic animated feature I was like "NO LO PUEDO CREER" (I speak Spanish) and I instantly looked for a way to watch it.

I found it on YouTube :D 

The story is about Sonic (This is the part where you gasp) and his friend Tails (You can gasp here if you want) and they both go on a cool and awesome adventure. Eggman is also there and he's evil and he's like "me hate sonic so me make robot sonic thats better and awesum" and the robot sonic and real sonic fight and real sonic wins and robot sonic has a completely avoidable death because machines weren't smart in 1999.

Yeah i like this movie. 100/100

Okay, that was pretty cool. Now let me tell you about my silly funny life.

So, there was this one time i had tuna. later that night i vomited. :D 

Ok that was the story of my life. thnx for reading....

Did you really think that was the story? Dude, you're a fucking IDIOT. But don't worry, you're not the stupidest person i know. The stupidest people i know are: 

the guys in my friend group #241

This fucking kid at school that sucks and is an asshole

the guy in the mirror

all of the popular guys in the sonic community

Justin Bieber

This guy named Tom.

Oh, what's this about a story? My boss wants me to write a story of my life? That's ridiculous! My life is boring as hell! That's why i cancelled that Spider-Plush Storytime Series... So here's fan mail

A few days ago, i was like "OH GOD MY BDAYS COMING UP IDK WHAT THE HELL TO DO" so i asked twitter to ask me questions so that i can answer them on a bday post. I got 2 questions. 

The first one comes from a person named ACE, they write "do you eat ass" and i said "no" as the short answer but the long answer is "Noooooooooooooooooooooo" 

The second question comes from a person named Olivia, they write "What made you decide to post daily Spider-man plushies?" and the full answer is right here:

It all started when i was in a GC with the Daily bros and i was just like "I'm gonna change my name to Daily Spider-Plush, it'll be REALLY FUNNY!!!" and no one cared. But like a week later i thought "Hey, i should start archiving every Spider-Man plush ever, it'll be tons of fun!" 

Oh, and i also have this mentality that consists of this: If no one has done something, don't just wait for someone to do it, DO IT YOURSELF!

Literally no one else would've tried to archive every Spider-Man plushie, so i'm doing it myself with NO ONE'S HELP. 

There's also this piece of fan-mail that i got and i definitely didn't specifically request for this. oh i gotta do this on """dudebro""" mode so... HEY DUDES, LET'S HEAR WHAT THIS BRO HAS TO SAY ABOUT MY RADICAL LOOK AND PERSONALITY. Let's hear what this skull dude has to say

Really? you wanna know why i'm like this? do you? DO YOU?!! Well, let me tell you... it all started on January, i went on a little 2 week break from everything. and i went to the top of the largest mountain.... and then i tripped and fell all the way to the bottom. But that fall made me realize that if i'm not cool enough, i'll probably fall into obscurity and i'll be forgotten by everyone... So i got a pair of sunglasses, a mountain dew, and a skateboard and became the coolest man in the world. Wow. Even i am shocked by how cool i am.

And yes, I donated to extra life, and you can donate to extra life too if you want, just click here

Thank you for your question, skullerino. (you see, us cool guys like to give nicknames to random people) 

And now... THE NEWZZZZ

But before the news begin, i need to vent about something. Okay, so i write these posts on my PC but sometimes i'm a lazy fatty fuck and write them on my phone... HERE'S THE DEAL, Saving these drafts on PC is easy, you just click save and that's it. BUT ON THE WIX MOBILE APP, THERE IS NO AUTOSAVE, AND CLICKING THE SAVE BUTTON IS A PAIN IN THE ASS. BUT IT GETS WORSE, YOU SEE THE NEXT THREE PARAGRAPHS? DO YOU WANNA KNOW HOW MANY TRIES IT TOOK ME TO SAVE THEM AS A DRAFT? 4. THE FUCKING APP CRASHED ON ME 2 TIMES AND DIDN'T SAVE ANYTHING, SO I GAVE UP AND WROTE THIS ON MY COMPUTER.

NEXT MONTH, Dots candy! Yes, I'm doing more food reviews, which I think I awesome. I chose to review Dots candy because i just tried it for the first time ever... Oh and I also watched this movie! i'll let you know more info when the article comes out.

COMIC COVERS PART 1 AND 2, Part 1 has covers that i chose because i have things to say about them. This post has been in the works for like a year. PART 2. It has reader suggested covers, HOLY FUCK.


Okay, those were the news. 

A new segment, MY FAVE THINGS!

I recently opened a "questions" channel on my official Discord Server that has 26 people in it. 

MILO asks "favorite color?" and here is the answer, the secret's out, my favorite color is GREEN. Why? because hulk used to be my favorite character.

Milo's inquiry inspired me to tell you about all of my favorite things.

Favorite food: I don't eat food.

Favorite movie: There's this film called My Magic Dog... No jk my fave film is TASM 1, and if you make fun of me because my favorite movie is a CBM, i'll actually go to your house, eat all your cookies and then punch you in the stomach.

Favorite comic: Also Spider-Man. Look, i'm an NPC, i can only talk about like 3 things. Leave me alone... NO WAIT DON'T CLICK OFF.

FAVE CHARACTERS: Spider-Man (no shit), Sonic The Hedgehog (he's blue colored and knows how to handle the females), Every other fictional character in existence.

Fave console: I play games on PC. :D

Fave game: SA2B for the Gamecube, i can play it a thousand times and never get bored.

Fave song: Secret's Safe With Me - Weathers. Dude all of their music is so good.

Fave number: What kind of boring motherfucker has a favorite number?

That's it.

Ok, this post is almost over, but i wanna leave you guys with this message that's very important and it would mean a lot if you guys could read this entire message, it's something that I've thought about for a long time and something that i think everyone should know, something that I'm gonna tell to my grandkids... The final message for this post is...

Potato. :D

Thank you for reading.

Goodbye folks, don't forget to SMASH that like button and send your comments or questions to this email:

see you all later. :D




Reviewing things I haven't seen!

The End of Gwenpool Strikes Back. (Review)