Last time, in The Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 2)...

Peter met a guy Ezekiel, who can also do whatever a spider can, he was a bit freaked out. Peter also stopped a school shooter, and he then became a science teacher. I guess we also met Morlun but he hasn't done a lot yet.  

Consider this a Valentine's Day Special because I just got a real girlfriend, she just goes to another school, she's real, I swear... Haha... hah... 

Anyway, let's actually talk about the comic. This is issue 32 of The Amazing Spider-Man (Volume 2, but we'll be looking volume 1 later), once again, written by J. Michael Straczynski, drawn by John Romita Jr. and with covers by J. Scott Campbell.

This is the cover. There are so many things to address, first off, where the hell is he? This place doesn't show up anywhere in the story. That's all there is to address... Why does Spidey look like that? I don't know, J. Scott Campbell's art is pretty mixed.

The story begins with some guy with crazy ass tattoos holding a girl at gunpoint while driving away from the cops, Spidey webs up the guy and drives away, which scares the girl even more... Wait a minute, I thought Spidey COULDN'T drive... Well, Spidey was in his 20's around the time this story came out, so he probably does know how to drive. I mean, he did have the Spider-Mobile, and stuff... Let's move on.

Spidey is about to web up this crook, but being the nice guy that he is, he gives him the choice of either being humiliated or unconscious, nice guy. He webs him up and writes "LOSER". The next day, and Peter is teaching his class and stuff... This sequence is nice and does really depict well the "school" experience, I really felt like I was in the class, I almost asked Peter if I could go to the bathroom. Class is over, and Pete goes to the principal's office, and he sees none other than Ezekiel, I was beginning to wonder where he was!

Ezekiel invites Peter to a nice ol' slice of pizza, I could say something about how I'm hungry for pizza now, but I just ate, so joke aborted. Ezekiel is telling Peter about how he knows a lot more about the spider-powers than him, and he also tells Pete to try and communicate with a spider... Peter gets no response from the spider, but this reminds me of a story that I'll be looking at later. 

Ezekiel explains that Peter and his abilites are the line between Spider and Man... I thought that was a hyphen, but okay. The spider is the source of Peter's power, and that is what Morlun is trying to feed on. They go to Ezekiel's HQ, and while walking there, Ezekiel's giving away money MrBeast style. There is a secret room in Ezekiel's office, made for Peter to hide, because once Morlun finds Pete, he'll always be able to find him, and he can't hide. Peter declines because he has a life outside of the spider... You won't believe what happens next... Morlun finds Peter. Issue's over. Let's move to issue 33. 

I gotta tell ya, this is also pretty on par with the other 2 issues, but I did enjoy it more, so I'll give it a nice ol' sweet little 9/10. I can see why people love this run. One thing that was missing was... Spider-Man, but I can't complain because the story is moving forward and it's good and interesting. See you next issues...

Y'know, since this is a Valentine's Day special, I guess I should tell you SOMETHING related to love... Why don't I talk about MY love life for a bit? How lucky am I with the ladies? 

I am not lucky at all, have you SEEN me? I'm a total fool! So, what DO I do for Valentine's Day? To me, it's just another regular day. However, I do believe that certain people need to stop being babies and stop cringing at Valentine's Day just because they're single. 

But like, I've never really had a crush on anyone, and no one's ever had a crush on me because I'm hideous. I also just don't feel like I'm ready for this "dating" shit, my life is a mess, what makes you think I can be a good partner? I'm just gonna be focused on getting my shit together.

So, review over. Issues 33 and 34 are getting reviewed March 5th, Issue 35 on April 5th.




Reviewing things I haven't seen!

The End of Gwenpool Strikes Back. (Review)