From The Archives: Spider-Plush Storytime #2

 The following post was originally released on a Wix blog on January 9th, 2023. It is presented completely unaltered from its original form. Spelling mistakes and all.

Hey guys, it's Spider-Plush here with another one of my stupid texts that no one reads, this isn't my full story, also it may show that i use the internet a lot.


Some People (no one) are wondering "Where did you come from, Mr. Spider-Plush" and i tell them nothing, because nobody has said that ever.

This is something that haunts me almost every day, i can't sleep because i just keep thinking about all of these memories... But then i remember that there is nothing to be sad about because it's not really that bad.

CHAPTER 1: The Google Plus Days

Back in 2015, i made a google account, i used it for regular ass things like youtube, gmail, and other google services, i was a really big fan of gmail (brand new sentence) and i checked it every day because i didn't have facebook or twitter or anything, just google things.

So one day in 2017 (i think) i was looking through my e-mail until i notice an email i haven't read, its from google, it says stuff like "hey you might be interested in nintendo and video games and shit." and i was like "wow this google account knows my interests " and i clicked on it. It sent me to this strange place i like to call "Google+" i was like "woooooooow what is this place, thats crazyyyyyyy" 

And i saw the communitiy tab thingy i dont remember everything ok. 

and i was like "im gonna join a community" and i looked for stuff that was interesting to me (video games) and i was like "woooah there are people like me who like nintendo games????" (expect me saying "i was like" a lot)  and i started posting in these groups, i don't have screenshots of these posts because i wasn't worried about archiving google+ and i refuse to look up a google+ archive website and try to find my stupid fucking old posts, but you know what? im gonna look for a google+ archive website to find my stupid fucking posts.

UPDATE: i couldn't find anything and the WayBack Machine doesn't archive pictures and its really slow (its ok, nobody is perfect.)

But i looked through my old google account's emails and i found posts made before google+ died. (there are more than 12,461 emails holy shit) and now i realize i have my own google+ archive. Which is kinda depressing.

Which is kinda depressing.

I remember someone invited me to an RP community, i didn't know what RP meant so i just didn't do anything, i remember talking with some really nice folks in the youtube messages (i don't know why they removed them, youtube removes everything.)

I still remember my first follower (i don't remember their name, and im not gonna look through 12,461 emails.), i was so happy to have 1 follower on a website (im sure they clicked follow by accident or something.)

I don't remember any drama on the website, i had a fun time talking to people who shared my interests.

I remember someone put me on a list of 10 people you should follow so that was nice, thank you random guy i don't remember (sorry for not remembering)

I got more than 100 followers and i followed everyone back, i got like 5 followers every day. i never spoke to them, i just followed them back.

I remember that when Avengers: Infinity War came out, people were posting memes about characters turning into dust.

Around december of 2018 i was using the website less, in 2019 i stopped using it, 2019 was also the time the website shut down, i was kinda sad, but i didn't care. I wonder what happened to the people on that site, i wonder how they are doing nowadays, i hope they're doing good.

I would try to contact them but im not a fucking weirdo also my account looks way different now. So if you remember the username J.E. then thats cool, also you have really good memory to remember some guy from a dead website. (The joke is that that was my old username on my old account)

Imagine the crazy shit that would've happened if google+ didn't close, i would be like "yo guys im ultimate spider-plush on google+ go follow"

CHAPTER 2: Reddit.

So after google+ closed i decided that what i wanted to do on the internet was look at reddit posts, because i watched youtubers like EmKay and GioFilms and i decided to see the posts myself instead of watching some guy reading them, and so i made a reddit account.

My interests in 2019 were marvel comics and really shitty memes, so i 
joined a bunch of communities that had stupid memes and cool marvel stuff.

Not much to say really, i just made some posts, i made some comments, not really anything that embarassing or interesting.

Tobey Maguire never replied to my comment on that recent AMA he did, shaking and crying rn. 

So eventually i got bored of using reddit, so i went back to only using youtube and gmail, until 2020.

CHAPTER 3: Paint 3D.

11/01/2023 Edit:

Oh my fucking god. I thought this article was over, but i just remembered something so stupid, i had to write it, this story takes place before i made my twitter page, back when i was using youtube, i came across this site called "the models resource" which was a place with a lot of video game models, so i downloaded a yoshi model and used it on paint 3d to make a video, i uploaded it to youtube, the video was not good, but stupid me thought it was gonna be the next big meme, so i made yoshi spinning 2 and 3. 1 year later i made the videos unlisted because i didn't want nintendo to sue me.

I made other paint 3d videos with other game characters, but i didn't upload them to youtube, i still have the videos saved on google drive.

CHAPTER 4: The Origin of Spider-Plush

In 2020 i turned 13 years old, which meant i could finally make a facebook account, and so, i made one, some of the things there are too personal so i will skip over to October.

October 27, 2020. I got bored of facebook so i decided to make a twitter page. I had tried to make a twitter when i was 12, but it got suspended because i didn't confirm my phone number, So i tried again and it worked. I was gonna use the old google+ name but then i thought "yeah no one is gonna recognize me" so i used the name of the other youtube account i had made "Spider-Plush" and i made my first tweet, it was this:
Awesome, right? 

I came up with the name Spider-Plush because i had this Kellytoy Ultimate Marvel Spider-Man Plush and i thought it was gonna be the next big meme (i was cringe. Im still cringe but i was cringier back then.) 

I was gonna post my paint 3d videos, but no one was gonna watch that so i just posted about marvel instead.

And so i started tweeting random things and i got to make a lot of good friends.

1 day, i was added to a group chat full of daily accounts, i was like "what is this place?" and i had a chat with some of the nicest and coolest people i have met on the internet, I then decided to put "daily" in my name and post Spider-Man plushies daily.  

So, funny story, the day after i became a daily account, some daily accounts go into drama, but i am not allowed to talk about it because i was asleep while it happened, and i don't know what happened.

Some other drama happened on June 11 but i am allowed to talk about it because its funny.

"Ratio with the daily crew" 

I will never forget that day. (i wasn't even part of the daily crew, i am just friends with them)

Apologies to every Daily Account ever.

I met some really cool people and some of my friends, i will never forget when i made these accounts and posts and shit.

Yeah this is just a shameless plug, you don't have to follow these accounts.

Big Shoutout to:
My Google+ friends . (I will never forget the people whose name i forgot.)
My Twitter Mutuals. 
Channel Camden. (go subscribe to him)

Thank you for reading this. Next Storytime will be about something, I don't flipping know.




Reviewing things I haven't seen!

The End of Gwenpool Strikes Back. (Review)