
Showing posts from January, 2023

From The Archives: Ultimate Spider-Man #46 Review

 Originally posted on January 18th, 2023 on a site that no one cared about. Hey there, today I'm going to review a spider-man comic (no one's done that before)  Now you might be thinking "how did i get here?" and the answer is "i don't know" but thank you for reading.  So, here is the cover for the issue I'm gonna review today. So, I have this Omnibus thingy that collects Ultimate Six (2004), Ultimate Spider-Man 54-59 and issue 46 for some reason. Which is really nice of Brian Michael Bendis to put this comic in this omnibus (yes i know marvel makes these decisions and not Bendis) This story features the sandman, who doesn't wear his iconic clothes, he's not wearing anything, and he doesn't look like a regular person who can turn into sand, he just looks like a human made of sand... Whatever. This story features Sharon Carter from S.H.I.E.L.D. and this new character called "Spider-Man", now i think this character will be forgott...

From The Archives: The Evil Spider-Man #13 Out Now.

 The battle that you've been waiting to see, Spider-Man vs Daredevil, it's finally here! and you can read it right now! Wow, isn't this comic so cool? Because it's not, it's total garbage, go read it if you want. Isn't the cover beautiful? i drew it myself! cool right?  Stay tuned, next issue will feature the return of a character from the early days of these comics. The link to read it is right here: Thank you for reading! Don't share this with your friends! It's absolutely terrible.

From The Archives: The Evil Spider-Man Issue 12 Out Now!

 Originally posted on another blog hosting site on January 11th, 2023. Excuse my shitty writing skills back then.  I just released issue 12 of my stupid web comic, which you can read right now by clicking the file right there, also, here is an image of the cover. And here is a page. Here is the file guys: Please don't share this with any of your friends but do post it on twitter for anyone to see.

From The Archives: Spider-Plush Storytime #2

 The following post was originally released on a Wix blog on January 9th, 2023. It is presented completely unaltered from its original form. Spelling mistakes and all. Hey guys, it's Spider-Plush here with another one of my stupid texts that no one reads, this isn't my full story, also it may show that i use the internet a lot. INTRODUCTION Some People (no one) are wondering "Where did you come from, Mr. Spider-Plush" and i tell them nothing, because nobody has said that ever. This is something that haunts me almost every day, i can't sleep because i just keep thinking about all of these memories... But then i remember that there is nothing to be sad about because it's not really that bad. CHAPTER 1: The Google Plus Days Back in 2015, i made a google account, i used it for regular ass things like youtube, gmail, and other google services, i was a really big fan of gmail (brand new sentence) and i checked it every day because i didn't have facebook or twitt...