From The Archives: Ultimate Spider-Man #46 Review
Originally posted on January 18th, 2023 on a site that no one cared about. Hey there, today I'm going to review a spider-man comic (no one's done that before) Now you might be thinking "how did i get here?" and the answer is "i don't know" but thank you for reading. So, here is the cover for the issue I'm gonna review today. So, I have this Omnibus thingy that collects Ultimate Six (2004), Ultimate Spider-Man 54-59 and issue 46 for some reason. Which is really nice of Brian Michael Bendis to put this comic in this omnibus (yes i know marvel makes these decisions and not Bendis) This story features the sandman, who doesn't wear his iconic clothes, he's not wearing anything, and he doesn't look like a regular person who can turn into sand, he just looks like a human made of sand... Whatever. This story features Sharon Carter from S.H.I.E.L.D. and this new character called "Spider-Man", now i think this character will be forgott...